Скачать текстуры для майнкрафт 1.12 2 r3d.

2218505 views BY UniblueMedia | Version 1.11, 1.10, 1.9, 1.8, 1.7 | Last updated 22 August 2019

August 22, 2019

Players from the world will be excited to discover the R3D Craft resource pack, as the main purpose of this pack is to bring the players more lifelike textures and authentic Minecraft worlds. The focus of this high-resolution pack is to change the appearance of objects and blocks, and not to simply add to the already existing ones, or develop new textures. There is a noticeable difference in the details, for example, the dirt that normally looks like a brown box, now actually looks like dirt; or the cobblestone that no longer looks like an unattractive chunk of who-knows-what, but instead shows the detail of looking how it should. It’s evident that things that could be said to have had rough edges have experienced a much needed smoothing out.

But don’t worry if you think the R3D Craft resource pack won’t fit your style, as it is available in various packages giving you options. If you fancy trying the pack out just so you can get an idea of what it’s about, then you can download the 32x option, it’s a quick download and there’s no lag when you load it and switch it on for gameplay. If you do want a higher resolution, it goes to the maximum resolution that Minecraft resource packs can go, stopping at 512x. When you use the pack you will get to see how the overall appearance gets intricately better the higher you go, and with there being two distinct systems for default or smooth realism modes, you will feel like the R3D Craft resource pack is much more than just one pack. The incredibly high level of detail, even in the 3D effects of each individual block, is a work of art and leaves us with no questions as to why the R3D Craft pack experiences the extent of popularity that it does.

R3D CRAFT - Screenshots

R3D CRAFT - YouTube Video

How to install R3D CRAFT Resource Pack

  • 1) Download resource pack from the link below.
  • 2) Launch Minecraft.
  • 3) On the Main menu > click "Options".
  • 4) On the Options menu > click "resource packs".
  • 5) Move the .zip file you downloaded to the "resourcepacks" folder.

Download R3D CRAFT Resource Pack

    Before proceeding with download, please pay attention to:
  • > None of the resource packs you see on this website are hosted on our servers. We use official download links provided by original authors. Therefore, they are completely safe and secure.
  • > We never modify or edit resource packs in any way.
  • > Do not forget to leave a comment. This will help the author make the pack better.

R3D.Craft Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.12, 1.11.2, 1.11, 1.10.4, 1.10.2, 1.10 and most prevous versions is a really popular Minecraft Resource / Texture Pack. It comes in different resolutions. Yo More over there are two types of "R3D Craft" available: R3D.Craft Smooth Realism and R3D.Craft Default Realism. R3D Craft and Faithful 32x32 are pretty much the most known Resource Packs in the Minecraft Community. R3D Pack was made by UniBlue Media and is finally available for the latest Minecraft version, 1.13.2. Moreover it features full support for . If you"re looking for a minecraft resource pack that makes your Minecraft map looks more real and believable just try R3D, it might be the perfect choice for you. The R3D Resource Pack will increase your game experience. It gives the game a complete facelift with giving more shape, sharpness and smoothing to the right edges of many blocks. You will stay hooked onto the game more way longer than usual. Even the stone texture looks way more realistic than minecraft"s default one.

The R3D Craft Resource Pack was even featured on Pack Nation

More about R3D Craft 1.13, 1.12.2, 1.11.2

One of the biggest advantages of the R3D Resource Pack is that it comes in a very wide range of different resolution packages. For low-end computers you can use it with 32x32 Resolution. The R3D Craft Package for High End Computers is called "R3D Craft 512x512" and is meant to give you the best game experience possible. When used in combination with Shaders Mods it will make nearly everything in minecraft look better, especially your Buildings will look way more realistic.

What also makes R3D Craft 1.13.2, 1.12.2, 1.12, 1.11.2 so special

Moon and Sun are in round shape and a nice color look way better than in Minecraft"s default texture set version.
Cobblestones look like rocks, this is a huge increase in quality compared to Minecraft"s default 16x16 FPS-friendly textures.
R3D Craft is offered in two versions, Smooth Realism and Default Realism. Moreover you can choose a resolution you want.
The R3D.Craft Resource Pack totally changes the look of Minecraft to a high quality graphics game. Especially when used with .

How to install R3D Craft

If you don"t know how to install the R3D Craft Resource Pack just look below, we"ve provided you a short tutorial there. We recommend following the steps below
Smooth & Default Realism for 512x512, 256x256, 128x128, 64x64, 32x32, 16x16.

Shader Support for Minecraft 1.12.2 Ver 0.3.1:

1. R3D.Craft Smooth Realism 1.12/1.11

  • 512x Smooth_Realism_512x512.zip
  • 256x Smooth_Realism_256x256.zip
  • 128x Smooth_Realism_128x128.zip
  • 64x Smooth_Realism_64x64.zip
  • 32x Smooth_Realism_32x32.zip
  • 2. Default Realism
    • 512x


R3D.CRAFT – ресурспак на Майнкрафт 1.12.2/1.11.2, который отличается тем, что это обычные текстуры для Майнкрафта. Обычные в том плане, что они абсолютно точно такие же. В них ничего не меняли и не исправляли. Однако, чем же они так заинтересовали пользователя? Помимо мелких изменений и доработок, связанных с тенями и светами, ничего не было изменено. Была лишь масштабная перерисовка уже готовых моделей, что позволило запускать игру с более высокими разрешениями текстур.

Другой интересной особенностью данного набора текстур является его долгожительность. Авторы уже довольно длительное время постоянно обновляют пакет текстур под новые версии, а игроки по-прежнему его используют, ведь текстуры действительно лучшие в своем роде. Помимо этого, для игрока есть прекрасная возможность под обратить именно то разрешение текстур, которое подойдет для его системы в плане производительности. Есть варианты от 32 до 512 пикселей, можно использовать в паре с текстурами практические любые шейдеры – решать только вам, создавайте идеальную графику, всем приятной игры!


Как установить ресурспак

Cкачайте и установите
Нажмите клавиши WIN+R (Кнопка "WIN" обычно между "ALT" и "CTR" )
В окне введите %appdata%
Скопируйте архив с ресурспаком в папку.minecraft/resourcepacks

Скачать ресурспак R3D.CRAFT

Для Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12, 1.11.2, 1.11.0, 1.10.2, 1.9.4, 1.9.0

Для 1.12.2/1.9.0 (32x) (cкачиваний: 235)